
Webflow Features - Custom CSS Properties & Values

Webflow's custom CSS properties and values provide greater control over website design, enhancing visual consistency, text styling, and user preferences. These advanced tools streamline the development process and reduce the need for custom code, helping businesses create cutting-edge, flexible designs that improve the overall Webflow experience.

September 16, 2024

As with many platforms, Webflow undergoes some updates to its features intermittently, and one of the most useful and interesting features we’d like to talk about is custom CSS properties and values. This is a crucial component of being able to utilise Webflow more effectively, and plays a central role in helping to develop the style of the site you are trying to build. 

Indeed, Webflow is always evolving, and in recent times has launched its game-changing expansion of CSS properties, which are fully integrated into the Webflow designer, and give you more control than ever over your design and development process, and this is going to help you come up with cutting-edge designs and styles to help build the best website you can.

What are Custom CSS Properties and Values?

Understanding Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) properties and values is really important, and it is vital to make sure you make the most of this. Being able to develop style and unique design ideas for a business is really important, and you need to think about some of the leading ways of achieving this. It equips users with some of the key advanced styling capabilities within the intuitive visual development interface of Webflow. Custom CSS properties and values can enhance the design capabilities within Webflow, allowing you to streamline your process, and add more flexibility. 

Why are These So Important for Your Business?

It is vital to make sure you understand how this can improve your business. Utilising custom CSS properties and values comes with a range of great advantages for your company, and these are some of the key ones:

  • Visual Enhancements

CSS is great for being able to simplify things such as theming when using light and dark modes and helping adapt elements to the colour scheme, providing greater uniformity and consistency.

  • Text Effects

The way your text comes across is often as important as what it says, and this is why the CSS additions of things like text-wrap and text-underline-offset help you to gain more control over your text styling.

  • Additional User Preferences

New properties such as accent-colour are among the best ways of enhancing usability of websites, and this is perfect for a better experience for your users. 

How They Enhance the Webflow Experience

Enhancing the Webflow experience is really important, and custom CSS properties and values are essential for enhancing the experience of your business website. These properties and values help to incorporate a greater range of additional tools that are not natively supported, and also provide you with greater flexibility with regards to style because of the fact that it reduces the need for custom code embeds. 

What’s more, CSS properties and values are a great way of boosting Webflow support to cover around 90% of available properties. If you want to be able to fully take charge of the design capabilities Webflow has to offer, custom CSS properties and values play a huge role in this.

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