
Should I be Using Pinterest?

February 9, 2021

Trying to improve your business reputation involves working on marketing and networking as well as you possibly can. There are so many things that can help with this, and one of the more interesting and effective ways of helping your business in this regard is to use Pinterest. Now, there are a lot of things to keep in mind if you want to make the most of this, and you've got to figure out why Pinterest matters to you as a business owner.

Statistics reveal that Pinterest currently has more than 320 million monthly active users, and this shows you the scale and scope of the site, and how much opportunity it presents for you. Figuring out the best ways of taking your business forward is a great way of being able to improve this, and there are a lot of elements that play a part in helping you utilise Pinterest for your business needs. At 3SIX5 Digital, we recognise the importance of staying ahead of the competition, it's what makes such a pre-eminent digital marketing agency in Kent. In this article we explore why you should be using Pinterest, and how much it's going to benefit your business right now.

What is Pinterest?

Simply put, Pinterest is a social networking site that allows users to interact and connect with other friends and influencers, but it also functions as a visual search engine and productivity tool as well. This is one of the key factors that makes Pinterest essential for inspiration and innovation, and you need to try to harness its power as best you can. It's basically a way of virtually categorising and collecting things you like, and it's become hugely popular with modern businesses as a result.

It's Great for Lead Conversion

Lead conversion is one of the most important factors to keep in mind when it comes to securing more sales and giving your business a leg up. Converting browsers into buyers is one of the key factors to consider when using Pinterest. Indeed, visitors from Pinterest are more likely to convert into leads faster than from other social networking sites. Imagine it like a huge visual search engine, and this is a great way of being able to convert your leads into sales, which in turn helps the business be more sustainable.

Increases Awareness and Traffic

You always want to be getting as much traffic to the website as possible, and one of the best ways of being able to achieve this is by using Pinterest. The great thing about Pinterest is how easy it is to link and integrate with your existing website or social media, and this is definitely a great way of increasing awareness and driving traffic, two things that matter enormously. Creating quality visuals on Pinterest links to increased traffic and awareness, and this is something that you need to keep in mind right now when improving your business.

See What's Trending

Another thing to love about Pinterest is that it allows you to see what your potential audience loves by having a look at what is trending. This is something that can offer huge benefits for your business moving forward, and there is plenty to love about this. By following people you get a window into what inspires them, and this is a powerful tool that you can utilise as a business to help give people what they want as well as making positive future business decisions in the process as well.

There are a lot of reasons why Pinterest is an essential online tool for helping your business. Having a strong online marketing strategy is definitely something that you need to get right, and there are a lot of ideas that help with this. Team up with your chosen Kent digital agency to try to formulate an excellent strategy that involves integrating Pinterest as effectively as possible right now.

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